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Sunday 23 September 2012

Enfield Horror

This was one of the most bizarre creatures that has been reported. The Enfield Horror terrorized the quite town of Enfield, Illinois in the United States.

The creature was reported as being 4 - 5 feet tall, and having a large grey body, looking almost like a pile of living mud. Its eyes were reported to be large and reddish-pink in color, It walked on 3 short legs, and had two short arms protruding out of the chest area of its body. Its tracks are similar to a dog’s but with six toe pads. A group of M-Forcers who encountered the creature report that its body is hairy. When threatened, the creature hisses “like a wildcat”

The southern part of Illinois is sometimes referred to as the “Devil’s Kitchen”, a designation left behind by the Native Americans and the early settlers to explain strange sights and sounds like unexplained balls of light, apparitions, screams in the night and various other unsettling types of phenomena. The Native Americans often considered such sites as “sacred” but the settlers usually believed them to be “cursed”, or at least well avoided. The idea that such locations were linked to the "Devil" was the first thought that crossed the minds of the bible-reading, god-fearing folks and they promptly set about to do two things. They learned to avoid these strange and haunted places and secondly, they gave names to the spots to alert other visitors and settlers of the dangers of the area. In the case of the Devil’s Kitchen, just about anything is possible, from ghost’s reports to mystery animals and weird monster sightings. This tiny community in southeastern Illinois became the scene of bizarre happenings for a short period of time and while the case has largely been forgotten today, it remains a part of the high strangeness of the region.
This creature was sighted at night, and twice it was trying to attract the attention of a homeowner by making scratching sounds on the outside of its door and walls. When the home owner opened the door, the creature stood there looking at him, and then fled away into the woods, hissing. It was also reported to have been shot by a group of men searching for it, when shot it seemed unharmed and fled at a speed greater than a human could move.

At the time of the creature’s sightings, there were also a large number of UFO reports in the same area.

A “baboon-like” leaping monster was blamed for livestock deaths in nearby Mt. Vernon Illinois in the 1940s, but reports are not detailed enough to determine if this was the same type of creature encountered in Enfield.

Recording of the creatures Hiss was taken but later destroyed for unknown reasons.

Considering this was the only time the creature was seen, it is hard to say whether or not these encounters were true, if it is linked to alien activity, then it's safe to say there aren't colonies of them running around the forests of America. But the area which the sighting occurred are known to be a hotbed of activity for abnormal, but we will have to wait again till something like this decides to show up again, to find out the truth behind this story.  

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