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Monday 24 September 2012


The Yeren is another large primate that has been sighted in the remote mountainous forested regions of western Hubei Province in China.

Entrance to the Yeren Cave in Western Hubei Province
Witnesses typically report the creatures to be covered in reddish colored hair. Some white specimens have also been sighted. Their height is estimated to range from six to eight feet, although some colossal examples allegedly in excess of ten feet tall have been reported. Overall, it is smaller than the American Bigfoot. Like Bigfoot, the Yeren is peaceful and will generally quietly walk away when encountering people in the Zhejiang province.
Some cryptozoologists have drawn a link between the Yeren and the extinct hominid Gigantopithecus, which formerly inhabited the general region. It has also been suggested that the Yeren is actually a new species of orangutan, one that is ground-dwelling, bipedal and native to mainland Asia instead of Borneo or Sumatra.

 There have been a lot of links connecting many of these giant primates seen around the world, the foremost is the fact that most seem to resemble to orangutan. So maybe there could be a undiscovered species of orangutan that was killed off when man first evolved, so only scattered remote colonies still exists.

It is also thought that the Yeren might just be a legend. The Yeren apparently dwells in a region already rich with superstition and strange phenomena, including an inordinate occurrence of albinism in the local fauna, adding to its mystique. It has been connected with ancient Chinese legends of magical forest ogres and man-like bears.
Most reputable scientists, Chinese and Western, who have studied the Yeren case agree that almost all the physical evidence and sightings claimed by local people are unreliable and often fabricated, and that given the absence of any reliable evidence pointing that the Yeren is likely to not exist.

It is quite hard to say whether or not this creature does exist, most experts are saying that most of the evidence was fabricated and that any real proof is lacking, that being said the people of this province do know this story very well and seem to respect this creature. So maybe there is some truth behind all this but without a official exploration into this area, the truth is still probably hiding, waiting to be found. 

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